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Shopon Hossin
04. apr. 2022
In General Discussions
Joe Biden's victory in the US elections and Whatsapp Mobile Number List Bolsonaro's delay in recognizing him as the new president, however, raise questions about the future of the relationship and the possibility of maintaining an alignment without conditionalities. For example, conflicts on environmental issues can already be predicted, such as the preservation of the Amazon, a conflict front that Bolsonaro already has open with European countries. The third element that serves to understand why Bolsonaro was able to carry out a de-South Americanization movement is related to Itamaraty's marginalization in the Whatsapp Mobile Number List foreign policy decision-making process. Following what was stated in Whatsapp Mobile Number List of the most notable legacies of the Baron of Rio Branco is what we can call the “Itamaraty myth”. This is that Brazil, unlike other countries in the region, managed to form a highly professional diplomatic corps, with autonomy from the political power in power, and that has been able to configure a series of principles and traditions unchanged over time. From this point of view, the stages of discontinuity in Brazilian foreign policy coincided with moments in which the Foreign Ministry was relegated in the conduct of foreign relations. The diplomatic corporation played a fundamental role in the construction of the geopolitical discourse that placed South America as the priority pole of Brazil's Whatsapp Mobile Number List regional policy. According to Luiz Felipe Lampreia, Cardoso's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Itamaraty was the actor that began to operationalize, in the early 1990s, the concept of South America as the preferential space to articulate integration with neighboring countries.

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