Additionally, the graph cannot aggregate mobile Phone Number List desktop above, but rather organic and sponsored content. For example, if your goal is to increase the number of shares on your LinkedIn post, you might set it up like this: Time frame 30 days Indicator: Share Phone Number List Organic and Sponsored: Yes Link Update Metrics This will allow you to see which day has had the most shares in the past 30 days. By looking at the type of content posted that day, you can create Phone Number List posts as you aim to increase your share on LinkedIn.
Let me know how you prefer to set up Phone Number List view this chart in the comments section below! Update engagement Great for more granular details about a specific post, this section updates in real time and gives you metrics for the 500 most recent LinkedIn posts you've published. Focus on metrics such as: impression Video Views hit count CTR Phone Number List Notes share focus on Participation Rate While it provides a wealth of knowledge, the table is fairly static and only allows you to change the number of posts you can view at one time from 10 to 20. Link Update to Participate follower This Phone Number List provides you with metrics about your LinkedIn followers. Unlike the first two, this area is divided into four separate sections.
Follower Highlights follower indicator Phone Number List Demographics company to track Follower Highlights Your followers highlight overview, checking this option lets you see if your recent activity has had a positive or negative impact on your total followers and new followers within the last 30-day date range. LinkedIn Follower Highlights follower Phone Number List Similar to the previous metric graph, you can get an overview of new follower activity for the selected time frame. Unlike the Visitor and Updates metrics, this chart doesn't give you that many options, instead limiting you to the Phone Number List following: time limit Aggregate Organic and Sponsored.